
Love is in the Air

The weather is dismal, news unrelenting, flus and colds persist . .and yet. . .

wax print Pierrot dress sz 4-6

As you can probably tell if you’ve looked at my website or blog, I love working with patterns. When a client brought a scarf back from Indonesia with the request that it inspire an outfit, we were off and running.

I gave the scarf to my collaborator, artist Eve Vaterlaus, to come up with some ideas. After some back and forth she painted a motif of roses and apples that the client loved.

Hand-painted cotton blouse with cotton piping and etched bone buttons - cotton, wool and silk skirt

Client likes a coordinated vest for the warm weather in Indonesia rather than a jacket

we designed the blouse in an Asian style to better show off the fabric print and I went against sartorial rules for a women’s garment and fastened the blouse from left to right for the same reason..

The piped edges and facing gave a weight to the garment - I love the minimal back

Still loving and having fun with the wax prints and my new dress form from Andy’s dress forms that fits me perfectly! I now want all the sizes from Andy’s!! They are made by hand in NYC

A Happy Belated Valentines Day to All❣️

Flowers from my darling husband❤️


I came upon these notes I wrote 13 years ago and also the photos that accompany them which popped up as a memory on Facebook. It turns out that I also met the artist, Jerelyn Hanrahan, who created the Pearl sculpture through Facebook quite a few years after taking these pictures.

Alaina Ferris modeling in front of Jereyln Hanrahan’s pearl sculpture


Black silk with large ecru polka- dots. Saw fabric in Dec and kept swatch; romancing it, lusting after it- afraid of it. Polka-dots- such a polarizing statement. very loaded iconography. Spanish roots? Society women wouldn’t be caught dead in a large polka-dot dress. Gilles from Paris (James Lord’s companion and adopted son) declaring them to be gauche- only hookers would wear them. An irredeemably clownish aspect- Flamenco flamboyance, so seductive and dangerous, yet verging on the silly and laughable. July 6- could not resist. Having sketched a design for Paris trunk show- bought 3 yards. Fantasized about buying 6 more perhaps. . .to have enough. Immediately deçu! Not right- too regular, vulgar- no one would be caught dead in it! Left the roll of fabric sitting in a corner for 2 days- glancing at it, only unfurling it once part way to ascertain the hand of it. doubts about skirt- needs to be on the bias, broken up a bit- given more life. July 8 - Unfurl it. Quickly decide to cut off one length - 44”, not realizng I am making a square. cut the 2nd 44” and have 12”left over. Good. Begin draping a skirt. Not on bias, but with a sarong-like fold in front. Move it to the bust on dress form. Loving it! loving the way the folds fall over the bust- tuck the excess over and sew into place before I don’t lose it. Impossible to replicate! Begin in back- try the same thing- pin - try on - lose pins - pin on straps - keep losing it. Decide to take in fullness in top back. Yes! It is working. . . try on many times - pinning, re-pinning, testing. It works! Fabric feels luscious- Billows, moves like a sail with a breeze.

Earth Day - Spring - Art - Couture - Flowers

Lots going on in NYC. I do love flowers, so this is one of my favorite times of year! It is also the month my grand niece Charlotte was born 1 year ago and the month my brother died 3 years ago. I always think of T.S. Eliot in April. There is a cycle to everything. It is a bittersweet time and a time for connecting after a long winter (not so cold here in the Northeast) and a very delicate time for our planet. My guiding principle: be kind, be curious and strive for beauty.

Embroidered linen coat lined in cornflower silk charmeuse, cotton blouse with silk covered buttons and accents, orange silk linen pants for client

Stripe and bubble print cotton blouse, silk covered buttons and accents- part of ensemble for client

2 of my favorite artists wearing my clothes : Mary Heilmann at Mark Bradford show NYC and Judith Linhares at her own opening - Massimo deCarlo Gallery, London - Judith’s pictures by #amandamarieimages last image: me at Mary Heilmann’s recent show at 303 Gallery NYC

raw silk shirtwaist dress for client

Cotton plaid jacket , cotton silk blend pants for client

At my husband, Taro Suzuki’s studio with one of his new paintings “Blue Cheer”

1 year birthday party!

in my studio surrounded by what I love! pic by Amanda Marie Mason #amandamarieimages

🌷Thank you for stopping by! 🌸

Almost Summer

It was a busy and productive couple of months. I always love this time of year and especially this year, with covid numbers declining and some activity returning. I was encouraged that people bought lots of dresses at my Spring Sale, which indicates that they see a future in dressing up and going out again.

Sophie in Peacock blue silk draped gown                 photo: Liz Hafter

Sophie in Peacock blue silk draped gown photo: Liz Hafter

I made this dress in 2005 originally as a costume for Trisha Brown to wear in a duet in Lyon, France. We decided on something simpler and I then sold it to a dear client. Some years later this client recommended me to Sophie and her Mom, one of her best friends, to design a Bat mitzvah dress. Now- Sophie is graduating from high school and the friend leant her the gown to wear to her prom. She chose to wear Doc Martins as footwear, (not pictured) which I love!

SALE was the entire month of may, by appointment, at my atelier

The city was gorgeous and provided much inspiration!

I went to the first art shows I had seen in 15 months- Lee Krasner collages at Paul Kasmin Gallery and Terry Winters Paintings and drawings at Matthew Marks Gallery

Life in the time of social distancing

Like many of you whose professions do not require you to be on the front lines helping to fight the corona virus, or feeding and caring for the population- I am working as best as possible from home. I’ve been doing some drawings which I hope you find diverting. I will be back to work on my client’s projects as soon as it is safe. in the meantime I am creating a page on this site for items I have currently available- Inquiries are always welcome!

Thank you for taking the time to visit and stay safe!

with love, Elizabeth

Colorful Couture Fall

The Chelsea Galleries are full of color and inspiration this month. I only have to leave my studio and walk a few steps to enter whole other worlds .

door at Flag.jpg

Nicolas Party has transformed the Flag Art Foundation into a stage set for pastel works by various artists including Degas and Mary Cassatt. His Rococo- inspired murals cover whole rooms in the lavishly colored 2 floor space.

Pastel wall painting by Nicolas Party with painting by Edgar degas

Pastel wall painting by Nicolas Party with painting by Edgar degas

pearl silk and wool suit w/ cloisonné buttons

pearl silk and wool suit w/ cloisonné buttons

green silk jersey, wool Pierre Cardin -inspired Mom’s bat mitzvah dress, black chiffon, japanese cotton ikat dresses, white silk and wool jacket over silk shantung - chantilly lace overlay skirt

E Kley.jpeg

Elisabeth Kley has teamed up with Tabboo! to create an enchanting environment of wall-painting and ceramic fountains at the Gordon Robichaux Gallery in Union Square reminiscent of a Roman Courtyard.

Kley- Tabboo!.jpeg
Verdant Green silk Jersey top with African cotton wax print skirt

Verdant Green silk Jersey top with African cotton wax print skirt

Black English wool jacket with flower and lace adorned silk shantung skirt

Black English wool jacket with flower and lace adorned silk shantung skirt

Karen Kilimnik’s French-inspired small paintings and sculptures at 303 Gallery

Karen Kilimnik’s French-inspired small paintings and sculptures at 303 Gallery

Indian Kantha quilt made into a Frock coat

Indian Kantha quilt made into a Frock coat

Draped cotton wax -print dress

Draped cotton wax -print dress

Philip Taaffe at Luhring augustine Gallery

japanese reverse checks.jpeg

Japanese Cotton double-sided coat and dress ensemble made for client

A Garden of Dresses

“ Sometimes, with exquisite delicacy, a touch of pink was added to the uniform gray of sea and sky; and at the very bottom of the Harmony in Grey and Pink after Whistler, a tiny moth asleep on the windowpane seemed to lend its wings to the favorite signature of the master from Chelsea.”

á L’Ombre des Jeunnes Filles en Fleurs - Marcel Proust

new Dutch wax print dresses in progress in my studio

new Dutch wax print dresses in progress in my studio

visit from my niece, Lucy, wearing pontè knit butterfly sweater

visit from my niece, Lucy, wearing pontè knit butterfly sweater

Judith Linhares Flower paintings recently at PPOW Gallery in Chelsea

Happy Spring Everyone!

Judith Linhares

Judith Linhares

Working Women's couture

Artists need clothes too. A few years ago I made this velvet 3 piece suit for Deborah Kass. Here she is at her opening at the Paul Kasmin Gallery following her knockout retrospective at the Andy Warhol Foundation. Her success has only increased. Her OY YO sculpture is now on display at the Brooklyn Museum after gracing the Brooklyn waterfront for 8 months.

3 piece cotton velvet suit - photo by Billy Farrell Agency courtesy of Paul Kasmin Gallery

3 piece cotton velvet suit - photo by Billy Farrell Agency courtesy of Paul Kasmin Gallery

Stitching Spring

Winter doesn't want to leave, but Spring won't be deterred. . .the first buds are sprouting and the birds and small animals are celebrating the advent of warmer weather to come.  i always love color and it is never lacking in my studio.

threads and roses

threads and roses

Barbara Haskell, my wonderful client, was recently profiled on NY1  speaking about her Grant Wood painting survey currently on view at the Whitney museumshe is wearing a custom red wool pants suit and black silk camisole with lace appliqué

Barbara Haskell, my wonderful client, was recently profiled on NY1  speaking about her Grant Wood painting survey currently on view at the Whitney museum

she is wearing a custom red wool pants suit and black silk camisole with lace appliqué

Barbara wore a dress of mine to the opening of her Grant wood showit is silk Gazar with lace capelet sleeves

Barbara wore a dress of mine to the opening of her Grant wood show

it is silk Gazar with lace capelet sleeves

My husband, Artist Taro Suzuki, in front of Grant Wood's most famous painting - American Gothic

My husband, Artist Taro Suzuki, in front of Grant Wood's most famous painting - American Gothic

one of Grant Woods's oddly narrative paintings at the Whitney

one of Grant Woods's oddly narrative paintings at the Whitney

Barbara Haskell profiled in the NYTimes

Barbara Haskell profiled in the NYTimes

red and blue Dutch Wax  dress in progress

red and blue Dutch Wax  dress in progress

blue and fushia Dutch wax Qipau dress 

blue and fushia Dutch wax Qipau dress 

A client brought me some beautiful Irish Tweed that she bought in Ireland in the 60's - there was just enough to make this coat with only tiny scraps left over

A client brought me some beautiful Irish Tweed that she bought in Ireland in the 60's - there was just enough to make this coat with only tiny scraps left over

client wearing finished coat

client wearing finished coat

For my sister's 60 birthday her husband arranged a surprise dance party and I made her a surprise dress

red, yellow and green wax-print dress 

red, yellow and green wax-print dress 

it fits!!

it fits!!

Indian block-print cotton Voile

Indian block-print cotton Voile

Happy Spring Everyone!

Studio Notes

I haven't posted for the last few months, but am excited to share some of what I've been working on.  My studio and work have been a refuge.  As always, art has been a part of my life and directly inspiring to my couture.  Clients have brought me exciting fabrics to work with and some older pieces have returned for a brief visit. Color is always an important factor.  

Harris Tweed Wool suit returning for a nip and tuck

Harris Tweed Wool suit returning for a nip and tuck

Custom decorator wool fabric / outfit for client

Custom decorator wool fabric / outfit for client

Rothko Paintings at Pace Gallery, Chelsea

Amber velvet silk and Rayon dress draped and made from leftover pieces

Amber velvet silk and Rayon dress draped and made from leftover pieces

Amber velvet Dress with a lace Bolero (unfinished) modeled as a tunic by Mary Jones

Mary Heilmann table on New Year's Eve

Mary Heilmann table on New Year's Eve

Taro Suzuki  Tantric painting

Taro Suzuki  Tantric painting

Red Wool Draped Dress with asymmetrical hem

Red Wool Draped Dress with asymmetrical hem

Red Flowers Silk Gazar Skirt for client

Red Flowers Silk Gazar Skirt for client

The colors in these Ron Gorchov Paintings at Cheim and Read Gallery in Chelsea are so lucious

Ron Gorchov Orange Khaki .jpg
Ponté knit Jacket  with snap closure for client -  painting by Taro Suzuki

Ponté knit Jacket  with snap closure for client -  painting by Taro Suzuki

Vilsco Wax print

Vilsco Wax print

work in progress 

Appliqué cotton dress, draped wax-print, wool jacket, silk charmeuse skirt

Appliqué cotton dress, draped wax-print, wool jacket, silk charmeuse skirt

detail /  cotton wax prints

detail /  cotton wax prints

Liberty cotton blouse, Ponté knit jacket, camel wool crepe dress

Liberty cotton blouse, Ponté knit jacket, camel wool crepe dress

watercolor after a Pompeii fresco

watercolor after a Pompeii fresco

More to come soon. . .

Artists Choose Designer- from the Archives

On Dec 12, 1986- January 4 1987 - Almost exactly 30 years ago- I did a show at the E. M. Donahue Gallery called "Artists Choose Designer" .  It was a cheeky title, because I actually chose 13 artists to design fabric for me rather than the other way around.  

cotton fabric designed with potato prints by Mary Boochever.       photo: Warren Mantooth

cotton fabric designed with potato prints by Mary Boochever.       photo: Warren Mantooth

show  invitation

show  invitation

Garments were displayed on plaster cast dress forms and tension suspended from top and bottom with technical help from Diane Lewis and lighting design by Taro Suzuki

Installation shot

Installation shot

Pouf-skirt dress made of cotton velvet and cotton painted by Dike Blair   photo-  Warren Mantooth

Pouf-skirt dress made of cotton velvet and cotton painted by Dike Blair   photo-  Warren Mantooth

Cotton velvet coat with day-glo dots by Taro Suzuki and dress on form painted by Dike Blair-  photo- Janette Beckman from Prêt Magazine

Cotton velvet coat with day-glo dots by Taro Suzuki and dress on form painted by Dike Blair-  photo- Janette Beckman from Prêt Magazine

Cotton 2-piece dress from silk screen print by Joseph Nechvatel

Cotton 2-piece dress from silk screen print by Joseph Nechvatel

cotton fish dress painted by Eve Vaterlaus.                                                  photo- Warren Mantooth

cotton fish dress painted by Eve Vaterlaus.                                                  photo- Warren Mantooth

Silk Shantung halter dress with cotton underskirt and button corset belt painted by Tommy Trosch            photo- Warren Mantooth

Silk Shantung halter dress with cotton underskirt and button corset belt painted by Tommy Trosch            photo- Warren Mantooth

Baby blue leather coat painted in silver marker ink by Jo Shane from Cocteau drawings

Baby blue leather coat painted in silver marker ink by Jo Shane from Cocteau drawings

Plaster custom dress form 

Plaster custom dress form 

In and around the studio

The last few weeks have been a mix of work in the studio, work on dance projects and lots of art.  Here are some randomly ordered fragments of the paths I have been on-

camel cashmire jacket and Dutch Wax African print dress 

camel cashmire jacket and Dutch Wax African print dress


cotton mini-check draped dress

cotton mini-check draped dress

Pots and drawings by Devin Dougherty

Pots and drawings by Devin Dougherty

Black chiffon dress with beaded collar

Black chiffon dress with beaded collar

I am very influenced by the seasons and generally try and keep pace with the season we are in , unlike designers who design a "line".  Couture work has it's own tempo.  I will, however, continue to work with the colorful African fabrics throughout the winter in advance of a summer trunk show.  

"Key"  Print Dress

"Key"  Print Dress

Painting by my dear late friend Ellen Cantor at Participant inc. nyc

Painting by my dear late friend Ellen Cantor at Participant inc. nyc

Gold Embossed Flower Organza jacket for client

Gold Embossed Flower Organza jacket for client

Mary Jones painting at John Molloy Gallery NYC

Mary Jones painting at John Molloy Gallery NYC

in progress. . .

in progress. . .

full length view of pinned dress in process

full length view of pinned dress in process

Ive been developing a dress directly from the fabric this time- using the motifs to suggest the lines of the dress- for example - the neck piece is a circle on the print-  I have been draping the dress and then transcribing the lines back onto a flat pattern so that I can remake it.

 trying the dress on

 trying the dress on

I am currently so inspired by transforming the pattern in a way that enhances the silhouette and leads to new discoveries.  I like that it forms the illusion of a vest or jacket with the orange pattern flowing from the top to the bottom. . .

The dress is filled with pins at this point that I am trying it on to see how it works on the body.  I usually have scratches on my arms and back from this process, but it is essential and I am my own fit model! 

pot and drawing by Devin Dougherty 

pot and drawing by Devin Dougherty 

I went to Gowanus in Brooklyn to an open studio in a charming carriage house to view the work of one of my clients.   This blue and orange pot reminded her of a dress she got at my sample sale last summer.  We plan to do a photo shoot documenting her in the dress next to the pot and drawing.   

sketch for a client for her daughter's bat- mitzvah including an embroidered connection between her daughter's birthplace in China and current home in the U.S. as well as travel patches from all the places they have visited together.   I will a…

sketch for a client for her daughter's bat- mitzvah including an embroidered connection between her daughter's birthplace in China and current home in the U.S. as well as travel patches from all the places they have visited together.   I will also be designing her daughter's dress with a map-printed fabric.

Sails in rehearsal

Sails in rehearsal

I am working on a project for the Trisha Brown Dance Company.   They have been re-staging some of their  works to be performed in unconventional non-stage environments.  I was engaged to redesign these sails for "Geometry of Quiet" which will be performed at the Getty Museum in March.  We are working out downsized proportions as the sails have been transformed from stationary to hand-held.  They are also making changes in the choreography to accommodate this.     

Sails in rehearsal

Sails in rehearsal

elastic shirred back of "bandeau" for client out of lovely Italian print

elastic shirred back of "bandeau" for client out of lovely Italian print

summer flowers are still hanging on. . . .in the traffic meridian on my way to the studio. . . .

summer flowers are still hanging on. . . .in the traffic meridian on my way to the studio. . . .